Why Are House Consumer Units Located in the Kitchen?

Why Are House Consumer Units Located in the Kitchen?

In many homes worldwide, you’ll find the electrical consumer unit, also known as the fuse box or circuit breaker panel, typically located in the kitchen. This might seem like an odd choice of location for such an essential electrical component, but there are...

Electric Vehicle Charging Guide Ebook(PDF)

Book Title: Electric Vehicle Charging Guide: A Primer for EV Charging Enthusiasts, Professionals and Business People Buy the ebook here: Electric Vehicle Charging Guide Ebook(PDF) For those outside Kenya, buy it here: Electric Vehicle Charging Guide Ebook(PDF) Table...

Who is an Electrical Consultant?

An electrical consultant is a professional who offers expert advice, design, and planning services related to electrical systems. They are often involved in the design, specification, and planning of electrical installations and modifications and are expected to have...

Lighting Lux Level Assessment Guide for Outdoor Spaces

As per Deutsch Norm DIN 5035 The DIN (Deutsche Industrie Normen) method for measuring illuminance offers flexibility and can adapt to various interior conditions. The methodology described breaks down the working plane into a grid, with each grid cell ideally being a...

Lighting Lux Level Assessment Guide for Indoor Spaces

Indeed, field measurements of working plane illuminance, or Lux Level, are essential in a range of scenarios, including verification of design requirements, understanding complaints about lighting, and aiding designers, installers, and end users. Various methods have...
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